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English French
stats_avg_vario Vario moy.
stats_avg_vario_a Vario moy.
stats_gain_of_height Gain max alt.
stats_max_alt Altitude max.
stats_takeoff_landing T: {takeoff} L: {landing}
stats_task_avg_vario Vario moy.
stats_task_completed Le circuit a été réalisé.
trk_avg_gnd_spd Vitesse sol moy.
{d, plural, =0 {{h}:{m} at {xc_speed}} one {# day {h}:{m} at {xc_speed}} other {# days {h}:{m} at {xc_speed}}} {d, plural, =0 {{h}:{m} at {xc_speed}} one {# day {h}:{m} at {xc_speed}} other {# days {h}:{m} at {xc_speed}}}