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English Slovenian
Current Directory: Trenutna mapa:
Enumerating ports... Preštevanje vrat...
Loading devices... Odpiram naprave...
Uploading declaration... Nalagam najavo leta...
Declaration uploaded. Deklaracija prenešena.
Pan Premik
today danes
until do
Obstacle %d o'clock Ovira ob %d h
Traffic %d o'clock Promet ob %d h
Resetting device... Resetiranje naprave...
Reset completed. Resetiranje zaključeno.
Date Datum
Remove Odstrani
Waypoint filter Filter za točke
Radar aircraft Letalo na radarju
Var [%s] Var [%s]
Alt [%s] Viš [%s]
Loading Radar aliases... Nalagam imena Flarm naprav...
Saving Radar aliases... Shranjujem imena Flarm naprav...