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English Japanese
Radar font
Heading vector 進行方向が上
Radar labels
Radar traces
Task speed/Speed to gate (Tsk.Sp/VtoGate)
GPS Altitude (GPSAlt)
G value (G)
This target does not have a stable ID.
Flarm has a problem: severity %X, code %X
Press YES to save task changes, press NO to discard them.
Press YES to continue with task editing, press NO to discard changes.
Not soaring yet?
(Flarm exp. %s)
OGN service OK.
OGN service failed: %d - %s
OGN request failed!
FANET problem: Flarm expired
Updating FANET firmware... ファームウェアの更新中…
FANET firmware update failed. Please restart the device! ファームウェアアップデート失敗。デバイスを再起動してください。