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English Spanish
Append waypoints to program database Agregar waypoints a la base de datos del programa
Save waypoints to selected file Guardar waypoints al archivo seleccionado
Append tasks to program database Agregar tareas a la base de datos del programa
Save tasks to selected file Guaradar tareas al archivo seleccionado
Searching for devices Buscando dispositivos
Downloading list of flights Bajando lista de vuelos
Downloading flight Bajando vuelo
Downloading declaration Bajando declaración
Downloading waypoints and tasks Bajando Waypoints y tareas
Downloading waypoints Bajando Waypoints
Downloading tasks Bajando tarea
Uploading waypoints and tasks Abriendo Waypoints y tareas
Uploading waypoints Abriendo waypoints
Uploading tasks Abriendo tareas
Duration Duración
Enumerating ports... Enumerando puertos...
Unknown Desconocido
Unknown task Tarea desconocida
Goal Meta
Broken leg Pierna quebrada